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Published Jun 03, 2021 by A.J. Mistretta


A rendering from Midway of 东河


The 东河 tract as it exists today


An interior rendering

并不是每天都有150英亩的土地在离休斯顿市中心不远的地方被重新开发. 但在中央商务区(Central Business District)以东的布法罗河(Buffalo Bayou)北岸,一片广阔的土地即将面临这样的局面。该地区最大的综合用途项目之一即将在这里拔地而起. 

东河 总部位于休斯顿的中途岛将在未来20年内分阶段开发约100万平方英尺的商业和住宅空间. 第一阶段占地26英亩,即将破土动工,包括360套公寓单元, 250,000 square feet of office space and another 110,000 square feet of street-level retail. Amenities will include abundant green space, a plaza and access to hike and bike trails along the bayou. 

该项目的开发商和社区领导人认为,东河将成为以前工业基地及其周围东区社区的经济催化剂. 他们还希望它能成为举办特殊活动的公共聚会场所, festivals and other activities for residents and visitors alike. 

市区以西的布法罗河上游长期被保护为公园, 休斯顿在其基础水道沿岸还没有大规模的商业开发. 东河 will directly border the bayou, drawing comparisons to other major, riverfront developments like those in New Orleans, San Antonio or New York. 与此同时, 开发商目前正在建设几个俯瞰上游河口及其线性公园的项目, separated by Allen Parkway. 

All of 这个项目s have two things in common: mixed-use and density. 开发商正在寻求最大限度地发挥河口沿岸土地的潜力,并扩展超城市, pedestrian-oriented environment beyond the borders of Downtown. 

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Living In Houston

Growth in 春天的分支 Driving New Developments, Businesses to the Area

Once characterized by its rural charm and agricultural heritage, 春天的分支, nestled within the heart of Houston, has undergone a significant transformation, evolving into a bustling community.  Over the past decade, 春天的分支 has seen a notable surge in population, 从107开始,271 to 120,667居民, according to the 春天的分支 Management District (SBMD). Situated at the crossroads of Houston's major arteries - Interstate 10, 环城公路8, 290号高速公路和610环路-春分支提供了一些城市最繁忙的地区. 该地区也处于皇冠HGA010官方下载走廊、市中心和纪念馆附近的战略位置. This substantial growth, coupled with seamless urban connectivity, 是否将其定位为吸引新开发项目和商业活动的目的地.   单击展开 Witte Road Redevelopment Project 去年,威特道重建项目完成,改造了一个以前的1.位于威特路和西景路的53英亩的仓库变成了社区餐饮和零售的热点. The development features two flagship Underbelly Hospitality concepts, Wild Oats and Underbelly Burger, alongside The Decoy, an expansive outdoor bar with sand volleyball courts.  Houston-based Newfound Partners, a new commercial real estate firm, also recently redeveloped a 28,500-square-foot industrial building at 1106 Witte Road into an innovative, single-level office development. 这座建筑现在是新发现的总部,也是坎农菲尔德的所在地, Leggett Ventures, On Point Custom 首页s and more.   单击展开 MarqE Entertainment Center 与此同时, 春天的分支’s culinary scene is booming with new businesses. 值得注意的是, 克里斯汀•哈, winner of MasterChef season three, unveiled Stuffed Belly, a novel drive-thru sandwich concept, 去年. 飞行员披萨 & Drafthouse and SeaSide Poke were unveiled this year as the latest additions to 春天的分支's MarqE Entertainment Center. 另外, 深受人们喜爱的高地手卷寿司店Hando和Urban Eats的老板新开的咖啡馆, 被称为盐 & Sugar, are expanding into the area.   单击展开 春天的分支 Trail Amid ongoing growth and development, 春天的分支继续致力于通过改善公园来提高生活质量, green spaces and trails. SBMD最近宣布,将于今年夏天开始建设一段1英里长的混凝土路段,该路段将连接两条现有的徒步和自行车道——Emnora和春天的分支.   Slated for completion in 2025, 该项目标志着SBMD将8号环城公路附近的Addicks水库与白橡树湾绿道连接起来的综合战略的第三阶段. The initial phase, finalized in 2020, introduced the 2.4-mile 春天的分支 Trail, 一旦附近的公用事业塔工作结束,第二阶段将扩大这条小径.  单击展开 Haden Park Rendering 另外, SBMD is working to revitalize Haden Park, which spans 13-acres at the northeast corner of Long Point and Witte Road. According to SBMB’s 2024 Master Plan, 这个项目, slated to begin construction in 2025, will add an event lawn, 狗公园, 飞溅垫, 树屋, pickleball courts, playgrounds and public art installations, alongside other improvements to existing infrastructure.  Discover Houston’s neighborhoods and communities.  
Economic Development


大休斯顿合作伙伴关系因其在2023年杰出的区域经济发展表现而被授予《Hga010皇冠软件下载》的Mac Conway经济发展卓越奖. 被广泛认为是行业顶级贸易出版物对地区的黄金标准认可, the award is based on the following criteria:  总项目 Total investment associated with those corporate facility projects Total jobs associated with those corporate facility projects Per capita calculations of those same three metrics  "Receiving the Mac Conway Award for Excellence in Economic Development is not just a recognition of our region’s achievements; it's a testament to our commitment to creating opportunity in Houston,” said Steve Kean, President and CEO at the Partnership. “It’s a team effort here in Houston, Hga010皇冠软件下载很高兴与Hga010皇冠软件下载在该地区的经济发展伙伴合作,向世界介绍休斯顿,并为Hga010皇冠软件下载的社区吸引新的就业机会和投资.”  这是该伙伴关系自2021年以来首次获奖,也是第15次获奖. The Partnership previously received honorable mentions in 2007, 2016年和2017年, 自1989年成立以来,该合作伙伴在《Hga010皇冠软件下载》排名中名列前茅的总次数达到18次.  “Hga010皇冠软件下载组织获得了著名的Mac Conway卓越奖,我为此感到非常自豪,” said Craig Rhodes, Senior Vice President of Economic Development at the Partnership. “这是Hga010皇冠软件下载与12个县地区的合作伙伴共同努力的证明, 它激励Hga010皇冠软件下载的团队继续Hga010皇冠软件下载的使命,推动包容性繁荣,为所有人创造有意义的机会."  Following major economic development wins in 2023, 大休斯顿地区在2024年第一季度有了一个强劲的开端, with 139 new business announcements identified.  共有40家企业在休斯敦地区建立了新设施,97个项目是对休斯敦地区现有设施的扩建. Manufacturing accounted for 32 percent of the announcements, with professional, scientific and technical services ranking second (17 percent).  Learn more about why companies choose Houston.



One Houston Together : 包容 Solutions Part 1

创造归属感文化和缩小归属感差距是每个组织想要在未来保持竞争力、留住和吸引各种背景的员工的关键策略. 这个话题……

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